UNFCCC, Korea GHG centre sign agreement on training

A new professional training programme on the transparency of climate action and support was launched on March 9, 2017, in Bonn, Germany.
The programme seeks to provide professional training on greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories to national experts from developing countries. GHG inventories are a key source of information necessary to understand where each country, and the global community at large, stands in terms of GHG emissions. The initiative will significantly boost the technical capacity of developing countries.
The programme was launched during a meeting between Yong-gun Kim, President of Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center of Korea (GIR) and Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
“This partnership is yet another tangible sign that the world is moving forward on the Paris Agreement,” said Ms. Espinosa. “Additionally, the initiative provides a concrete model and platform for South-South cooperation by creating a forum for developing countries to share knowledge and support.”
Policy makers, implementers, and technicians are invited to apply to this training, and can expect to walk away with the theoretical and practical methods needed to take transformative action.
The partnership itself is a part of a broader training programme, called UNFCCC-CASTT, which is being promoted and championed by the UNFCCC secretariat. This comprehensive programme looks to facilitate effective and universal participation of countries in the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) arrangements under the UNFCCC and the transparency framework under the Paris Agreement.
“The GHG training program was initiated by the GIR in 2011. I hope it will be further developed and expanded through this significant partnership with the UNFCCC secretariat,” said Dr. Yong-gun Kim. “We will actively cooperate with each other to nurture greenhouse gas experts in developing countries for successful implementation of the Paris Agreement.”
GIR will open the training programme enrollment on 27 March, with sessions to commence 26 June.