Experts showcase 2020 achievements at Climate Dialogues

As part of the ongoing Climate Dialogues, the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) held its 2020 informal forum on 26 November, at which the CGE showcased its achievements and sought feedback on its support to developing countries in the transparent reporting of their climate action, a key pillar of the Paris Climate Change Agreement.
The CGE is tasked with providing technical support and advice to developing countries in meeting their reporting requirements under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Paris Agreement.
In opening the forum, both the Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI), Ms. Marianne Karlsen, and UNFCCC Deputy Executive Secretary, Mr. Ovais Sarmad, highlighted the important role played by the CGE in building capacities of developing country Parties to implement the measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) arrangements under the Convention and to prepare for the transition to the enhanced transparency framework (ETF) under the Paris Agreement. The ETF specifies how Parties to the Paris Agreement report on progress in reducing emissions, adapting to climate change impacts, and on support provided or received.
Jenny Mager, representing the COP25 Presidency, acknowledged the work of the CGE as being critical to achieving the Paris Agreement goals. Eve Deakin, representing the incoming COP26 Presidency, indicated that the UK would urge governments to finalize the outstanding work on the ETF, and clearly define the type and level of support required for developing countries to participate in the ETF processes.
The informal forum attracted over 300 participants from across the globe, including country experts and policy makers who are the key drivers of MRV/transparency efforts at the national level, and the key bilateral and multilateral agencies who provide financial and/or technical support on MRV/transparency.
The CGE showcased its achievements in 2020, including the knowledge products it has developed, which include: Short videos explaining MRV/ETF in different languages and a Technical handbook for developing country Parties on preparing for implementation of the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement.
The CGE also highlighted its efforts in interactive knowledge sharing, such as virtual regional hands-on training workshops on MRV/ETF and two regional webinar series on transitioning from the revised 1996 to 2006 IPCC guidelines for national GHG inventories, and on synergies at national level in data collection for reporting under MRV/ETF, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other international instruments.
The CGE also shared the key findings from its assessment on developing countries’ needs and gaps, including technical challenges in understanding and applying IPCC guidelines and inadequate data management systems for national GHG inventories. During the session, the participants requested continued technical support from the CGE in these and other areas.
In closing the forum, the Chair of the CGE, Mr. Arif Goheer, noted that it had provided important direct feedback from the CGE target audiences, and assured participants that the CGE would consider the suggestions provided when formulating its annual work plan for 2021.