Authors of IPCC special report on global warming hold first meeting in Brazil


The authors of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C will meet on 6-10 March 2017 in São Paulo, Brazil, for the First Lead Author Meeting of the Special Report. This meeting, involving 86 scientific, technical and socio-economic experts from 39 countries, initiates work on the Special Report, which will be completed in September 2018.

The meeting for  the report,  whose  full  title  is Global  Warming  of  1.5ºC, an  IPCC  special  report on  the  impacts  of  global  warming  of  1.5ºC  above  pre-industrial  levels  and  related  global  greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty, is hosted by the kind invitation of the government of Brazil through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Institute for Space  Research (INPE).

“This Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºC enhances the policy relevance of the IPCC, and marks the  start  of  the  most  ambitious  climate  assessment  cycle  undertaken  by the IPCC  since  its inception  in  1988,”  said  IPCC  Chair  Hoesung  Lee.

“The  IPCC continues  to  accomplish  the assessment   of   our   understanding   of   climate   change   with   scientific   rigour,   robustness   and transparency,  thanks  to  the  continued  engagement  and  commitment  of  the  international  climate research community.”

The experts have the task of initiating the best and most comprehensive assessment of the status of knowledge on the climate system with respect to a warming of 1.5ºC.

The report will assess the impacts of a global warming of 1.5°C on both human and natural environments, as well as study current and emerging adaptation and mitigation options and their linkages with sustainable development, poverty eradication, and reducing inequalities.

During  the first of four lead  author meetings,  the  chapter  teams  will  identify  key  issues,  design  an outline of each chapter, discuss options for treating cross-cutting topics between chapters and other IPCC products, and plan the author team’s work in preparing the draft chapter content.

This Special Report is being prepared in response to an invitation from the 21st Conference of the Parties  (COP21)  to  the United  Nations  Framework  Convention  on  Climate  Change  (UNFCCC)in December 2015 in Paris.

The outline of the report was developed at the scoping meeting last year and agreed by the IPCC member governments in October 2016.

The IPCC will hold a briefing at 10:00 São Paulo time on Monday 6 March, at INPE,  Avenida dos Astronautas   1758, Jardim da Granja, SãoJosé dos Campos, São Paulo, Brazil, to present the work of the IPCC and the preparations for the Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºCnvironments, as well as study current and emerging adaptation and mitigation options and their linkages with sustainable development, poverty eradication, and reducing inequalities.

During  the first of four lead  author meetings,  the  chapter  teams  will  identify  key  issues,  design  an outline of each chapter, discuss options for treating cross-cutting topics between chapters and other IPCC products, and plan the author team’s work in preparing the draft chapter content.

