NDC Partnership Forum identifies ways to help countries recover better

Leaders of the United Nations, the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and others have called on governments to align their economic recovery packages with work on national climate plans (Nationally Determined Contributions, or NDCs) due this year under the Paris Climate Change Agreement.
The calls were made at a virtual event organized by the NDC Partnership Forum on Monday 29 June 2020, at which ways and means were discussed to assist countries in raising climate ambition.
Speaking at the event, UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa underlined that the historic economic recession caused by the COVID19 pandemic has not changed countries’ obligations to submit new or updated NDCs by the end of this year. She said:
“We are at a point when a significant increase in the level of climate ambition is needed. The pandemic represents an additional challenge for climate action in general and for the preparation of new or updated NDCs. Yet climate action cannot be delayed. That’s why the NDC deadline remains.”
In a way, the 2020 deadline and the COVID-19 crises also represent an opportunity. The world’s response to COVID-19 can help the world work towards achieving its long-term climate and overall development objectives”, she added.
A first assessment of the pandemic’s impact on global climate action by the NDC Partnership has found that dwindling attention and resources are already undermining the efforts of countries to tackle the climate emergency.
Participants of the forum outlined some of the ways that countries can receive support for enhanced NDCs, with the Partnership’s Ministerial Co-Chairs from the Netherlands and Costa Rica presenting a support package designed to help countries green their recovery measures.